
  • Performance Tracking Solution 'SPOTU'

    SPOTU is a fitness & performance tracking solution that has been developed and optimized for routine-based indoor exercises, such as gym workouts. It accurately monitors physical condition through the advanced wearable device and provides workout performance insights and content for more effective self-coaching, exercise ability improvement, and injury prevention based on a variety of data.



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    Performance Tracking Solution 'SPOTU' image
    Performance Tracking Solution 'SPOTU' image
  • VELOGA Auto

    VELOGA Auto is a displaying service which customize mobility UI based on individual taste. This system contains extention modules and software, that enables connection between smartphones and LCD cluster. Users may propose designs which reflects personal emotion and functional needs. After evaluation on availablity and safety, the proposals are developed into interface set, so people can apply the UI on their cars and enjoy their own drive.



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  • NK-AI

    1. An intelligent video analysis hybrid solution that performs multi-object abnormal behavior and face analysis in installed CCTV images2. A platform capable of establishing a sophisticated analysis system by linking detection information3. Providing customized SW + HW Appliance optimized for public/private sector4. Deep learning based object recognition technology + multi-object tracking and complex event analysis algorithm through 3D geometric filter recognition technology5. Secure price competitiveness and easy maintenance through high-performance own algorithm



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  • C-WATER Hands care solution

    1. Incomparably NO.1 sterilization technology Developed through high-efficiency electrolysis module,the disinfection water enables 99.9% disinfection and deodorization in just 10 seconds.  2. Reliable disinfection water, proven by certified safety  Abiding appropriate level of 200PPM stipulated by KFDA, C-water disinfection water is safe. C-WATER Hands is under 10ppm and 7.0~8.5ph. Also Passing testing for skin irritation / eye irritation / single dose oral toxicity, it is safe to use, leaving no irritation on skin, eyes and mouth. 3. New system never seen before  In order to prevent transmissions of infectious diseases through contact, we are the world’s first to adopt non-contact close sensor system. C-WATER HANDS is an all-in-one type, with its main unit equipped with electrode, it does not require additional installation of electrode module box.  4. Outstanding technology  C-WATER HANDS can be used sustainably with 5 large-scale electrolysis module electrodes. And highly durable DSE electrode materials that fit C-water disinfection water have been developed and applied. 5. Eco-friendly system  C-WATER HANDS  utilizes CEBIEN’s high efficiency electrolysis module to generate 99.9% disinfection water capable of sterilization and deodorization only with tap water, not requiring additives including sterilizer, salt, hydrochloric acid, etc.




    'REAL IMFACT' is a game controller dedicated to FPS(First Person Shooter) games, connected to PC wirelessly, a perfect replacement for keyboard and mouse.'REAL IMFACT' was developed with ERSYSTEM'S patents and registered trandemark, has been verified for compatibility and operability for all FPS games.Designed with ergonomic buttons cover all the operations like front, rear, left, right, forward, aiming, shooting, jumping, crawling, weapon selection and mission accomplishment that are easy, simple and enjoyable to operate.All the necessary control functions are placed inside the gun to maximize the gun's reality.Dedicated receiver offers easy and convenient connection. Driver installation on PC is not needed.



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    REALIMFACT image
  • Da Capo

    한국판 <원스>의 탄생으로 주목받고 있는 <다시 만난 날들>. 실제 뮤지션들의 참여와 완성도 높은 트랙 리스트로 웰메이드 음악영화로서 기대를 높이고 있는 이번 작품은 심찬양 감독이 연출을 맡아 이목을 집중시킨다. 단편 <이상한 나라의 김민수>로 제37회 끌레르몽페랑단편영화제 심사위원특별상 수상에 이어, 2017년 장편 <어둔 밤>으로 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제 작품상을 수상한 심찬양 감독은 이번 <다시 만난 날들>로 또 한 번 독특하고 깊이 있는 그의 세계를 스크린에 펼쳐 보인다.앞서 밝힌 것처럼 <다시 만난 날들>은 홍이삭의 습작곡에서부터 시작된 작품. 심찬양 감독이 만든 단편을 위해 오랜 친구인 홍이삭이 [Knowing you]를 만들었고, 이 후 <다시 만난 날들>의 원작 격인 뮤지컬을 제작하며 [재회]와 [설렘]이라는 곡까지 완성했던 것. 뮤지컬을 무대에 올리기 위해 작업하는 동안, 이 곡들이 가진 정서를 좋아했던 심찬양 감독은 더 많은 사람들에게 들려주고 싶다는 생각에 영화로 만들 계획을 세웠다. "노래가 하나의 캐릭터가 되었으면 했고, 노래마다 각각의 서사를 부여하고자 했다. 어떻게 노래가 만들어지는지, 누구와 만들었는지, 그 누구와 어떤 시간을 보냈는지, 그렇게 만들어지는 노래는 또 사람들에게 어떤 의미로 기억되는지를 담고 싶었다"고 밝힌 심찬양 감독은 자신이 담고 싶었던 노래가 가진 정서를 제대로 표현하기 위해 음악감독으로 참여한 홍이삭에게 주연을 맡아줄 것을 제안했다.음악과 한없이 가까운 영화를 만들고 싶었지만, 그와 동시에 온전한 한 편의 영화로 성립되어야 했기 때문에 화면이 담고 있는 정서와 맞는 음악을 찾는 과정 또한 몹시 치열했다. 수많은 장면이 있지만 그 중에서도 ‘태일’과 ‘지원’이 다시 만나 ‘재회’를 만드는 장면은 심찬양 감독은 물론 모든 배우와 제작진이 공을 들인 장면으로 꼽힌다. 두 뮤지션들의 음악적 역량이 만나 하나의 노래가 창조되던 순간, 신비롭기까지 했던 현장의 분위기를 제작진은 컷의 변화 하나 없이 고스란히 담아낼 수 있었다. 그렇게 각고의 노력 끝에 진짜 음악가들의 고뇌와 열정, 그리고 온기가 묻은 이야기로 <다시 만난 날들>은 탄생할 수 있었다.“평범하고 사소해 보이는 순간들, 그리고 그 순간을 함께 했던 친구들을 그리는 마음으로 이 작품을 만들었다. 이 작품을 통해 잠시나마 평범했던 그 때로 여행을 떠나볼 수 있다면 좋겠다”는 심찬양 감독의 말처럼, <다시 만난 날들>은 심찬양 감독의 열정과 끈기, 그리고 홍이삭의 아름다운 음악이 어우러진 특별한 음악영화로 관객들의 마음을 감동시킬 것이다.



  • RF Power Amplifier

    Smart factory operation system for production automation of high frequency power amplifiers



  • Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-based Universal Disinfection Robot)

    Coro-Bot, an anti-virus universal disinfection robot, can be applied to various places suffering from the current global pandemic including nursing homes where their residents desperately need to be protected against the novel coronavirus. This anti-virus disinfection robot is equipped with V-Arm and H-Arm that are flexible and thus suitable for many different environments. It also has an articulated robot arm to cover uneven surfaces and an air circulator to sterilize airborne coronavirus and other viruses with its far-infrared ceramic filter reaching 200 degrees Celsius. All these components together can effectively disinfect every venue people use. Coro-Bot is embedded with multiple intelligent robot management softwares including autonomous driving, collision prevention algorithm, energy harvesting technology, smart care system (SCS), damage inspection system (DIS), and robot management system (RMS).◦Recently, the Coro-bot was selected for the CES2021 Innovation Award.



    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
  • Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-based Universal Disinfection Robot)

    Coro-Bot, an anti-virus universal disinfection robot, can be applied to various places suffering from the current global pandemic including nursing homes where their residents desperately need to be protected against the novel coronavirus. This anti-virus disinfection robot is equipped with V-Arm and H-Arm that are flexible and thus suitable for many different environments. It also has an articulated robot arm to cover uneven surfaces and an air circulator to sterilize airborne coronavirus and other viruses with its far-infrared ceramic filter reaching 200 degrees Celsius. All these components together can effectively disinfect every venue people use. Coro-Bot is embedded with multiple intelligent robot management softwares including autonomous driving, collision prevention algorithm, energy harvesting technology, smart care system (SCS), damage inspection system (DIS), and robot management system (RMS).◦Recently, the Coro-bot was selected for the CES2021 Innovation Award.



    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
    Corobot(Anti-virus, AI-ba<x>sed Universal Disinfection Robot) image
  • Character


    - Creating an Environment Adventure & Public VR using its character Zoocastereducational programs to raise awareness and education about energy and environmental pollution, which are difficult to experience and observe in real life.- Developed as a convergence education type to improve future competencies other than the after-school learning concept curriculum- Content verification is done by environmental experts, education experts, and renewable energy experts.



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Barunson E&A

Barunson E&A has entered the global online games market in the United States to start a publishing contract rageuhaim 2003. Then, advance to more than 30 countries around the world, beginning with Japan service has received a lot of love from local players.



Aerowhale Studio Inc.

Aerowhale Studio is devoted to welfare of mankind.We are developing sports education and virtual reality experience contents for children and infants using motion capture technology.2013. 3rd badge of Youth Start-up training school organized by Small and medium business corporation2013. Received an award by head of Korea Industrial Technology Association in School-corporation joint Industrial Technology Contest2014. Received a silver award in G start-up project by Gyeonggi small and medium business corporation2015. Elected as School-corporation joint technology development business by Small and medium business corporation

  • France Annecy Animation Festival - MIFA Korean Pavilion